Choose a topic you want to address and write down your Limiting Beliefs about that topic
Write down all thoughts concerning that topic and how strongly you feel about and how it affects your everyday life. What have you used as excuses in the past? What patterns have you noticed that you tend to fall into? Take time to evaluate your past behaviors, when you acted negatively, where that might have originated from and any recurring challenges you have faced and why that might be
Pause, Stop and reflect– if you feel fear or resistance about a task pause and become curious about it. Write down your thoughts regarding the task and try and identify the stories or lies you maybe telling yourself about it. Understand that your thoughts are just that – they are thoughts and not the truth.
Consider how your limiting beliefs have protected you– we like to think of ourselves as victims of our own limiting beliefs, but the truth is that we adopt these beliefs because they serve us in some way. There are times when we hold on to our limiting beliefs because it feels safe and familiar whereas stepping out of our comfort zone means having to deal with the unknown. So be honest with yourself about how your limiting beliefs are serving you.
Reframe your limiting beliefs – Once you have reflected on the context and reasoning behind a limiting belief ask yourself – what if I am wrong? What if it is not true? Think about what that would mean and what your situation would look like then. Remind yourself that limiting beliefs are, at their core, just stories you have told yourself. That does not necessarily make them true. So always examine the evidence or look for facts.
Take back your power – Stop blaming external events other people and the world for the outcomes or results you are unhappy about. You alone are in charge of the narrative of your own life. So be wise and reframe your limiting beliefs with new empowering ones and move forward.