Myths About Coaching

What is Coaching?
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) refers to coaching as – “ Partnering with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”
Coaching recognizes the client as the expert in their own world and sees every person as resourceful and whole. Coaching is about identifying where you are now, where you would like to be – and close “that “ gap. Now lets take a look at some of the myths surrounding coaching.
(Myth # 1) – Coaches have the answers
FACT : As the client you decide what you want to focus on for each session. Coaches are skilled at asking important questions that client usually do not ask themselves. As your coach I will support you to increase awareness, explore options and make conscious choices.
(Myth # 2 ) – Successful people do not need coaches. Coaching is only for people who have problems.
FACT : People who are wanting to learn and grow often seek guidance, wisdom and support from coaches. Just like students are supported by their teachers, athletes work with sports coaches – a life coach will help you build the confidence to show up in life as your most authentic self.
(Myth # 3) – Life coaches tell their clients what to do.
FACT : Coaches do not give instructions or advice. They focus on helping their clients change their behaviour. Instead of listening to all the reason why a client cannot do something, coaches help clients to come up with the best goals and choices suited to their vision for their future.
(Myth # 4 ) – Coaching is a new form of therapy
FACT : Psychologists and Psychotherapists are trained to help people with mental illnesses, while coaches are not. The focus of therapy is more on healing from the past; while the focus of coaching is more on getting you to where you wish to be next. Having said that, coaches do help you to understand how the past contributes to your present. The idea behind therapy is to focus on past issues and trauma to change self-destructive habits, and work through painful emotions. Whereas the life coach takes a client’s current state as an acceptable neutral ground and is more action based.
What does a typical coaching session look like?
A life coach will support you to – instead of thinking about a problem – will help you examine the thinking that made the issue a problem. It is human nature that we sometimes do not recognize the faults in our own reasoning – a coach will help you assess your beliefs and perceptions against the context and possibilities in a way we most likely would not be able to do for ourselves. Coaching is a process of appreciative inquiry where the intent of inquiry is to discern gaps in logic, evaluate the value of beliefs, clarify fears, and doubts that are affecting our outlook and behaviour.
A coach will explore with you, what is prompting your behaviour or your inaction. When the desired outcome of a coaching session stays vague, the conversation goes in circles. As a client, you may be unsure of what you want from coaching at the outset – please know, that is absolutely alright. Just ensure that you do the best you can to describe the situation or decision that you are perplexed about; or the clarity you need about a situation that you might feel stuck or unsure in. As the coaching process progresses – your fears, needs or conflicts of values that is paralyzing you will emerge !!
Be assured, as coaches we are trained to meet you where you are at currently and will join hands with you to where you would like to go. We coach the person and not the problem, as we are your thinking partners.